ESP32 Loader (Blynk Uploader)

by Bluino Electronics



A tool runs on Android platform to create an IoT project easy.Makes it easy to upload binary file (result of compiled Arduino IDE) to any Expressif ESP32 development board via USB OTG.Features:★ Upload/Flash bianry file via USB OTG★ Upload/Flash bianry file via WiFi (OTA)★ Support any USB chip: CDC/ACM, FTDI, PL2303, CH34X and CP210X★ Serial Monitor for debuging★ Change the ssid, password & token automatically durring upload★ No Ads (Pro version)★ Access to Google Drive storage (Pro version)★ Multiple upload widgets button (Pro version)Note:- Warning: try it on your own risk: it can damage your hardware (Android or ESP board) or lead to data loss (binary file or any Android data).- Your device must support USB Host OTG, otherwise the program will not work